FOR THE YEARS AFTER SECU 2015/2016 AND BEFORE 2020 (AND i THiNK COViD-19$ $$$ $$$$$

There is an abundance of paintfile$ that i made in 2017 and 2018 before 2019.$ the year that somewhere during near the start i worktdd out that the paintfile$ themselvesz neededd to be exactly (via properties) 6" 4" in line with the photo sizesz that i could go to a certain store with the paintfile$ on usb and get them printedd for 10cent$ each though yeah.... 

Now right now i dont have a html page or know where i have a list for such photosz sorry paintfile($) though yeah there is a heap im scrolling threw from one of my older facebook account'$ photosz/picturesz link?grouping?anyhow ill cite the link or one of them under this above the ocd'd time stamp alright? hopefully allsz good !!!!!! ~ just one of the sourcesz in order to salvage & save them all or most of them the unarchivedd yet paintfile($) after that 1 Kim one from secu 2015/2016 and before 2020....

Anyhow anough of me daniel d ... . . . . . . .
paintFiLE($)-index-2024.html thankyou Sarah

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3:41z AM - SATURDAY - 20241123 / / / / / / / ~ D A N D E
